Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Critique Essay

This paper will review a quantitative study comparing the outcomes of physicians that use sterile versus nonsterile gloves during simple soft tissue lacerations repairs in the Emergency Room. It will address the protection of human participants, their risks/benefits, and a review of the study’s data collection, data analysis, and problem statement along with an interpretation of its findings. Article The article is from 2004, and was published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine. It’s entitled â€Å"Sterile Versus Nonsterile Gloves for Repair of Uncomplicated Lacerations in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Controlled Trial†. Protection of Human Participants A random sampling of patients were taken from populations that presented to multi-center emergency rooms in the Toronto area, with simple soft tissue lacerations that required suture repair. Of the 1,100 people approached, 902 gave voluntary consent to participate in the study. Of those, 86 were excluded for a final total of 816. There were 245 patients who refused to participate, with 40% being children (the study enrolled any patient over the age of one). There was suggestion that the large amount of children who â€Å"refused† participation was related to â€Å"parental anxiety of entering their child into the study† (Perelman et al., 2004, p. 363). Specific physical, psychological, social or economic risks to patients were not addressed in this article, but a patient information sheet was given to participants before they signed the consent. The handout provided background information on wound management, infection, and the rationale for the study. There were no imm ediate or direct benefits for patients to be involved in this study. The protocol, patient consent form, and all other related information during  this trial were reviewed and approved by the ethic and review boards of all facilities involved. Data Collection Patients that arrived to one of three large community ER’s in the Toronto area, with a wound that was viewed to meet criteria, were provided written information on the rationale of the study and asked to participate. Inclusion criteria were addressed by a physician or resident that included assessing for complexity of laceration, location on the body, and if it had occurred within 3 hours from patient’s arrival. A signed a consent was obtained and data was collected through completion of a checklist noting the patient’s age, sex, site of laceration, type of injury, time of injury, time of injury from the time of repair, and technique of repair. The patient was given a self-addressed, pre-stamped envelope that was to be completed by the physician who took the sutures out. This physician filled out an explicit questionnaire using specific guidelines on wound assessment (pus, erythema, fever,) their clinical impressions (infection vs. no infection), and their management plan (topical/oral/IV antibiotic use, or need for referral to wound specialist). The follow up physician was unaware of which gloves were used in initial repair of the wound. The returned questionnaires where coded to collate with the initial assessment forms. There are several independent and dependent variables in this study. They include: not being able to run an equivalency trial related to the large sample size of the study, and the study was only partially blind (blind to the patients, not the physicians) because the sterile and nonsterile gloves are packaged differently. Also, the study could not 100% standardize the technique of wound repair by the physicians, although they did receive orientation on â€Å"ideal† wound repair techniques with irrigation, and a there was not a single follow up clinic site that could have provided more standardization in the evaluation of wound assessment during the follow up visit. No time period for data collection was specified in this article. Data Management and Analysis Statistical software was used in the analysis of data retrieved during this study. â€Å"Demographic and clinical data were presented descriptively as means, medians, or proportions with SDs where appropriate. The χ2 test was used to compare differences in infection rate between the 2 glove groups. A 2-tailed  P value less than .05 was considered significant† (Perelman et al., 2004, p. 364). There were 4 discrepancies noted in the data between the objective wound assessments and the follow up clinicians notions of the wound, with (2) being clarified by the researchers with the documenting physician, and the remaining 2 were placed in the â€Å"infected group†. Findings/Interpretation of Findings The researchers found that there is clear evidence to support that nonsterile gloves can be used in place of sterile gloves for simple laceration repairs in the Emergency Department, without an increase in wound infections. This writer believes that the findings are valid for several reasons. One, this study cites other previous studies that had similar outcomes in related topics such as: using tap water for cleaning/irrigating wounds, or the absence of gloves, caps or masks did not affect wound infection outcomes. Secondly, this has already become practice for many physicians in the United States. This is supported in the article by researchers when a preliminary survey of 18 ER physicians and 24 PCP showed 70% often used nonsterile technique in their repairs. Lastly, the study showed comparative infection rates of 6.1% for sterile glove use and 4.4% nonsterile glove use with a level of significance of 0.05. Limitations were defined above as variables. Implications for nursing are two-fold. One, nurses can help support this nonsterile technique and continue to ensure good wound cleansing and irrigation of wounds. Using this techniques can save hospitals up to $2000/year in ER’s that see an average of 10 suture repairs/day. Secondly, as previously mentioned, this study cites others that address wound care (ex: irrigating with tap water vs. sterile saline), so this research can be used in the future to study methods of successful wound management for nursing. Conclusion In conclusion, this was a successful study in showing that there was no increase in wound infections when nonsterile gloves are used while repairing simple lacerations in the Emergency Department. It is also showed that there can be economical savings for health care entities. References Grand Canyon University [GCU]. (2011). NRS433V.v10R research critique, part 2. Retrieved from: Perelman, V. S., Francis, G. J., Rutledge, T., Foote, J., Martino, F., & Dranitsaris, G. (2004, March). Sterile versus nonsterile gloves for repair of uncomplicated lacerations in the Emergency Department: A randomized controlled trial. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 43, 362-370.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Changing Workforce Essay

Introduction: It is no surprise that the workforce is on the move and changing at a growing rate. There are several factors that lead into the changing workforce and play important roles. There are the workers who are leaving, the ones who will be staying and the new ones who will be entering, all of which have an important role to play in the US economy. This topic is important but it seems to weigh a little more heavily during an election period like we are in now. When the unemployed rate is high and the national debt is at an unprecedented amount it makes me wonder, who will our job force consist of and how will it be changing? Some of the important things that need to be considered when looking into how the workforce is changing is who is now entering the workforce that was not previously in it? How will this affect competition for jobs? Are education levels affecting the workforce? Childcare and Eldercare seem to be playing an increasing role in who works and who stays at home to care for th eir families, will this change? More minorities are also working in the US making a big change to the workforce, how does this play out with HRM and other parts of management? All of the questions and statements above need to be answered in order to find out why the workforce is changing and who comprises the majorities now. The workforce today is much more different than just 20 years ago. It is important as a human resource manager to stay up to date on these things and to know what the coming trends are for who you might be looking to employ. Significance of the topic to the field of Human Resource Management: The effects of the changing workforce on Human Resource managers are quite large. As of 2007 in healthcare there are older workers than younger ones. The issues arise in HRM with this when the technology is changing and schools are teaching different things that the older generations are not as familiar with if at all. The changing of technology in any field is greatly  affecting all parties involved. The issue of globalization and learning new policies and procedures of how to handle a workforce that is not in the same location you are is also something that is on the rise. The changing of the demographics as well as competition also plays a large role in why HRM is becoming such a fast paced changing job. The biggest issue that the US sees in the trend of the workforce changing is the older workforce. With an aged employee base come issues with health cost, retirements, age discrimination and succession planning. All of these things have to be considered and taking very seriously in HRM. It is important to handle all the issues legally and just fully but with the things like increasing healthcare cost for the older generations things get tough for the managers and decision makers. Literature Review: The article Trends and Challenges for work in the 21st Century goes over a lot of points on the changing workforce and what is making it change. It includes things such as changing demographics and why they are changing, the issue of people having or choosing not to have children while in and out of the workforce as well as our aging workforce. It looks at things such as insurance and pensions and whether or not those have any effects on people choosing to stay in the workforce longer or shorter amounts of time. Lerman, R. (n.d.). Trends and challenges for work in the 21st century. Retrieved from This article had figures from the women in the workforce. It examined how many have children under 18 versus those who have children over 18 and are in the workforce. I think the goal of this study was to see how many females with younger children choose to stay at home rather than work. They also included a study of the race and sex of employees in the workforce and how it has changed. This article seemed to find that with the changes in technology, the adding of more women and more minorities to the workforce has made drastic changes and will continue to do so over the next decades. The article seems to lean on the side that people are choosing less or no children and that enables them to work more. However, having less or no children directly impacts the workforce for the coming generations. Nursing Leadership is a publication of where I found  the second article I reviewed. Although it focuses on one career instead of the workforce as a whole it is very specific how the workforce change has affected the nursing and medical industries. The change in technology seems to be the hardest adjustment for the ones who have been in the workforce the longest. Spinks, N. (n.d.). The changing workforce, workplace and nature of work. Retrieved from In this article Spinks talks about in 2010 that the older workforce will outweigh the younger ones. She talks about issues of predicting retirement, â€Å"Women’s retirement patterns are somewhat less predictable because we are only now beginning to experience large numbers of women in the paid labour force working until retirement†. (Spinks) Although the article is done about healthcare she makes a lot of good notations and observations about the workforce as a whole. In this article she lays out 7 strategies and solutions to help maintain a good strong workforce. Spinks did a lot of her observations and studies in Canada. One section of the article talks about having a workforce shortage and I can assure you the US has not had this issue in the last few years. She found that the workforce in Canada is much like the population there, many are not from Canada but rather born somewhere else and migrated there or their ancestors came to Canada making the work population there very diverse. To me it seems Spinks found that technology and diversity in the nursing and healthcare industry are the biggest struggles when you start to think about the workforce changing. That although this study was done in Canada where their health system is a bit different from that of the US the overall concept of the workforce aging and changing is the same. In the article the workforce is changing the way we do business printed in the USA today magazine the author talks about the corporations being able to keep up and how to handle the changes. The author goes into some detail on how to keep a completive edge even when your employee base that you once knew is now completely different. The author also talks about what to look for in the new employees that will be emerging, or what kind of people you should look to hire. Herman, R. E. (n.d.). The workforce is changing the way we do busines. Retrieved from This article explores the idea that its not just customers looking to be satisfied within a business but the workers are as well. Herman states that  while there are people out there willing to do work there are not enough qualified for the skilled jobs, thus making the competitive advantage harder to achieve today. One idea that Herman explores to help with this problem or situation is to concentrate on building workforce stability. He explains it like this â€Å"Concentrate on building workforce stability. Forget the revolving door of recruiting and hiring any warm body. It doesn’t work and will just create more problems for you. Replacing people who leave will become more chal lenging. Evaluate the qualifications for your next hire(s), and become more selective. If you’re going to invest in retention, you might as well have good people to retain.† (Herman) This article to me states there is indeed changes happening in the workforce but more importantly is how as a business we embrace the changes and hang on for what could be a rough time. It shows the importance of having skilled workers to help your company but at the same time there are not as many of them as there once was. Workforce planning makes for a smarter reduction in force is an article that seems to relate very well to the economic times the country has been and seems to be copiously enduring in regards to jobs and job demands. The idea that businesses need to cut cost means they have to look at lowering their work force to save money. This takes a different approach then the normal how is the workface changing articles bur rather how are businesses changing the workforce. Garbis, N. (01, 2010 06). Workforce planning makes for a smarter reduction in force. Retrieved from This article goes over the idea that businesses in this time of the economy being hard and not being as profitable they sometimes offer the employee to take some sort of severance package and leave. Garbis says you have the worse problem when to many leave, or you forecast incorrectly of how many of your workforce you need to eliminate. His studies show that having workforce planning in place can be very beneficial but it is something that needs to be re-visited often so that to many or to few employees are let go back out into the workforce when really they are needed. The article A Global March toward an aging workforce was written after a speech by an author of a man named Ted Fishman. Fishman looks at the ideas that the age range of the world population and those who are working now is not near the same as it was a decade or two ago.

Monday, July 29, 2019

To what extent do you agree with fischers thesis about the origins of Essay

To what extent do you agree with fischers thesis about the origins of world war 1 - Essay Example While the arguments which connect the First World War to the second are quite plausible and accurate, it seems difficult to ignore other situations which were developing in Europe as a prelude to The Great War. As per the ideas given by Fischer (1967), he suggests that the German elite as well as the Kaiser of Germany had expansionist ideas which could only be satisfied with war. Ever since the social democrats had started showing their muscle in Germany, the elite of the country knew that war would be required to quell their domestic issues as well as further their agenda of expansion (Hart, 1972). Essentially, the thesis presented by Fischer (1967) places the blame for the war on the German rulers who used the assassination of the Archduke as a framing device and a catalyst for making the declaration of war jus ad bellum. There is certainly evidence to support this since documentary evidence which are presented by Fischer shows that some people in power were calling for an expansionist approach and were looking for German domination over its European neighbours. Therefore, instead of foreign influences and political movements of alliances across the continent resulting in the inevitable situation of war, the war was created by Germany and therefore the blame for the First World War much like the Second World War goes to the Germans. Fischer (1967) points out connections which link Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm in the First World War with Germany under the regime of Hitler. The primary connection being the business alliances which benefited from the war in many different ways including the industrial manufacture of weapons of war as well as the economic activity required for keeping up the war effort. The argument presented by Fischer (1967) is an extreme end of the spectrum since it suggests that Germany willed the war upon Europe while the rest of Europe was unwilling to go to war but was dragged into it due to the various treaties that

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Benefits of using electronic whiteboards as a teaching aid Essay

Benefits of using electronic whiteboards as a teaching aid - Essay Example It is possible to maintain cleanliness in the environment while using whiteboards, as there are no chalks or dusters. Besides providing the convenience of using flipcharts, pictures, maps and charts during demonstration which otherwise would not have been possible, it mainly provides the following benefits: It serves as an excellent tool for brainstorming sessions, either in meetings or classrooms, the demonstrator has the benefit of conducting question-answer session in several ways, which after analyzing and ensuring that all pupils are taking part, uses symbols or communication aid to mark the answer as true or false or to transfer their views on whiteboard for display purpose. It is easy to get students' attention, as it is a colourful medium. Whiteboard is ideal in situations where the computer access is limited as it is an interactive tool, which works best when there is only a single computer in classroom. While working along with computer and projector and in addition to displaying lectures or information, it can also send that information to all students in a class and possess the ability to research a topic using Internet along with the class. Electronic whiteboards help in daily updating of lesson plans.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ENG DB3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ENG DB3 - Essay Example The exile of the Jews by God was enough for them to believe that Jews had literally no place by their name on this world. The Zionists continued to work towards the settlement of their tribesmen irrespective of the oppositional cry. They developed the Jewish National Fund in 1901 with the help of the World Zionist Organization. With this fund they planned on buying lands in not only in Palestine but also Syria, various parts of Turkey and some areas of Sinai. These lands were carefully taken over solely for the settlement of the Jews. After purchasing the lands at very high price the Zionists were determined to keep it and also wanted it to be run by their own people instead of Arab farmers. They devised a plan of employing the Arabs in transit to another country so that they may be excavated instead of being thrown out of the land. Nearly five hundred and thousand people have been living in the West Bank against international law since 1967 despite the denial by the Israeli governme nt. The colonization of Palestinian state led to severe bloodshed. Along with Britain, the Zionist body got together to clear the land of Jerusalem. The protection of the Jews became the chief motif in this regard. A British Embassy was establish to keep track of any report which went against the protection of the Jews. Even the Ottoman Empire was requested to give room to the Jewish settlers while their permanent residence was arranged by the higher authority. All this was done under Lord Palmerston in 1839. This way the British influence over the Middle East started to grow progressively. Israel has been avoiding Arab invasion in the premises of the Green Line ever since September 1997. This problem is being attempted to be solved by moving the Bedouins away from the towns of Negev and Galilee where they are mostly populated. The Jewish population remains under scrutiny for its suspicious moves against innocent

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leisure and technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leisure and technology - Essay Example In the contemporary world, things have taken a different direction especially after industrialization. The aspect of leisure time activities has been intertwined with technology. In most cases, the leisure-time mobility and activities have tended to develop through technology use (Castle, 2006). The technological aspects, which had previously been developed for military, scientific and commercial purposes, have shifted towards leisure-time use. Currently, new technologies concepts have a leisure-time use phase. Alternatively, technological devices tend to serve as prototypes for various models which are then adapted for leisure time use. New researches suggest that pervasive technological tools tend to be killing off leisure activities. The younger generation is the mostly affected by the aspect of technology and leisure. In most cases, students and the younger workers tend to work for longer hours hence taking shorter vacations. If they decide to go for the vacation, all they do is take their laptops, tabs and cell phones along. Most organizations also tend to encourage this aspect by recommending the use of internet to do organizational chores while on holiday. Examples of leisure activities, which have been affected by technology, include games, book reading among others. In the contemporary world, children and even the young adults prefer computer games during their leisure and not the real game on the ground (Castle, 2006). Football is nowadays played over the internet. Alternatively, people prefer to watch football or any other game on the television instead of going to the stadium to watch it live. Nowadays people do not spend their free time reading novels and magazines. With the introduction of the internet, most people prefer reading online articles and books. With modernization, traditional forms of leisure have been replaced

Operations Managment of Fullers Brewery and Vue Cinemas Term Paper

Operations Managment of Fullers Brewery and Vue Cinemas - Term Paper Example In considering the operational differences between the two businesses, the essay will now give a compassion of the operational aspects considered in each of the four variables of the four V model: Volume In the first instance, the volume of an operation simply represents the level of production and will dictate the overall approach used towards manufacture or delivery of a good or service (Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons, 2008). In the case of Fuller’s Brewery volume can be measured in a number of ways but always relates back to the delivery of a physical product. In essence, from an operational perspective, the volume is measured in liquid volume measurements. From a pure scale perspective, while the operations of Fuller’s Brewery are concentrated in the Southeast, distribution takes place on a national basis requiring an operation in scale which is able to accommodate such demands. By stark contrast, Vue as a service provider is unable to measure volume on such a simple c ommodity basis, instead, volume here relates the number of â€Å"guest experiences† in other words, the number of tickets sold to customers in a given period. While this may be true of the main product, it should also be indicated that Vue makes a significant amount of profit from the sale of ancillary products such as beverages and snacks, items which may be easier to quantify with traditional measures of volume. Like, Fuller’s Brewery, Vue operates on a national basis. However, as a service provider, such large volumes require a more localized approach to supply, rather than a centralized production and distribution model as seen in the former business. Variety represents the number of products or services provided by an operator (Slack et al, 2010). Here a broad or narrow view may be taken of the variety of products produced within an operation. For instance taking the operation at Fuller’s Brewery, at the broad level of the operation can be split down into j ust two key product areas, cask ales made for the licensed premises business and canned and bottled beers designed to be sold from non-licensed premises such as the supermarket.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Journal - Essay Example The article offers that â€Å"retailers already are bracing for another meager holiday season† (Rugaber, 1). At the microeconomic level, less demand for credit can impact the retail industry significantly if there are wide scale changes in consumer behavior and attitude toward retail spending. Some consumers may be considering that the cost of a car would be too significant on their personal budgets and would rather keep their creditworthiness by paying down debt. Consumer attitudes might also be focused around small scale items, as cost savings, such as reducing grocery store volume per trip or changing their favorite brands. The article offers that jobs are scarce currently which also changes the mindset of buyers, giving them more incentive to cut back on personal spending in the retail environment. The National Retail Federation believes that the retail holiday season will see a one percent drop in sales this year, due to consumers reducing their spending and their need for credit. Speaking strictly from the microeconomics level, this makes sense how one aspect of consumer attitude can strongly impact the strength of a specific industry, such as retail. It would seem that the real question which should be asked is whether consumers would be cutting back on large purchases or small purchases and in what specific retail segment. Is it scattered throughout retail or does this concern only deal with high dollar purchases? Microeconomics has taught the importance of conducting research and gaining demographic information in order to support local business success and profitability. Consumer attitudes changing to reflect a new attitude regarding spending and credit is a microeconomic issue with potential real-life problems for certain retail marketplaces. It would be very important to conduct consumer research to find out why. The new light bulbs

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Maintaining and Creating Digital Data Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Maintaining and Creating Digital Data - Essay Example The sharing of data could be identified in terms of technological and organizational data. Data sharing by an organization is the free utility of another entity’s data in the automated or manual form. On the other hand, technological sharing of data is the potential to have one data of an agency used by a different type of automated system. The current demand for a database that is shared has been justified due to the increased hurdles in the establishment of a nationwide system and policy that follows a shared policy database. The scenario may become difficult and complicated in a political and geographical situation that occurred in India. The increasing realization of the rewards of the toe shared database organizations and authorities in India have been paying increased attention towards this direction. The establishment of the national infrastructure spatial database for the country is one of the efforts. Qatar is one country that has set nationwide GIS within the country . This is known as the first nation that adopted a nationwide policy of GIS that has been a model for different enterprise in the entire world. In fact, the Qatar nationwide GIS and the lesson from the successful implementation motivated the development of the NSDI in   Qatar is a country that lies in the continent of the central Asian. The country lies on the Saudi Arabia eastern coast, next to the Arabian Gulf. It is a small country falling in the 26 10 and 24 27 latitudes north and the 51 40 and 50 45 longitudes East covering about a space of 11521kn squared. Qatar’s territorial waters extend approximately 51 nautical miles north and 95 nautical miles east of the Arabian Gulf. The country has about 533 thousand residents according to the census in 1997. This state is an independent state in Arab. It is a state that accepts the charter of the united nations that support the rights of all nations and peoples towards self-determination.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board - Essay Example Furthermore, the Jews believed that God was able to reverse the effects of sin and completely reverse consummate the reconciliation with the humankind. These views are consistent with mine, for I believe it is only God who has the powers and ability to reconcile us with Himself after we fall short of His will. Several changes occurred in the Jewish view on God and the world during this time. Foremost, there was an intensified and revitalized given the events of 6th Century BC when the Jewish nation suffered a series of exiles. The Jewish people also suffered the effects of Hellenism at this period, and the Greek beliefs affected their basic understanding and belief in diminution of anthromorphism (Gee 1995). Although the Old Testament of the Hebrews acknowledges the concept of immortality, the period of intertestamental shift made the Jews lay more focus and emphases on immortality of the soul. In addition, there was a shift from the isolated lifestyle the Jews had lived for the whol e time. They became more open and interactive with other communities, thanks to the effects of Hellenism. The period also marked a change of the Jews’ view of God from His imminence to His transcendence. They refrained from using the name of God in all their undertakings as had been the custom before the Intertestamental Period. ... They called him the Judge, meaning he would deliver justice and fairness to the Jewish nation against oppressing Gentile nations. Another title was the Deliverer, for whom they waited to deliver them forever from Gentile rule. Shepherd mean they were waiting for one who would guide them with love for all and protect them from their enemies. They also referred to him as the Stone, their strength upon which the Jewish nation would be built, not to be shaken by anyone (Carson, Douglas and Julius 2001). Other titles included Elect and The Chosen One, the Righteous or Just One, Son of God or Son of David and Elijah. To a nonbeliever and a new convert, the best title to describe Jesus would be the Righteous or Just One. According to the scriptures, Jesus preached and lived righteousness. There is no single instance in the scriptures the scriptures that reveal an act of unrighteousness in the life of Jesus. He helped the poor and the despised of his time get recognition in the society. He d elivered just judgments to those who were viewed too evil. According to the Jews, Gentiles were considered sojourner in their lands, strangers who had little or no knowledge of God (Carson, Douglas and Julius 2001). Jews viewed the Gentiles as evil people who were not worth associating with (Gee 1995). However, they stood a chance of being in good connections with the creator if they converted to Judaism. God-fearers referred to the class of Gentiles who sympathized with the beliefs of Judaism during the Second Temple Period. Whereas the God-fearers were not bound by any rules to follow Noahide Laws nor adhere to the rules of Jews, procelytes had the obligation to live by these customs and laws (Gee 1995). Procelytes could either be Gentiles converted into Judaism or

Monday, July 22, 2019

Roman Empire Essay Example for Free

Roman Empire Essay Between 100 CE and 600 CE, the Roman empire underwent a change politically as the empire collapsed due to chaos inside it’s empire. Culturally, influence of Christianity grew. The Eastern Roman empire, Byzantines, proved to keep a continuity of the empire. The most dramatic change that the Roman Empire had was its collapse in the late classical period. Han China and Gupta India, also struggled with a collapse in their own empires at the same time. In the year 100 CE, the Mediterranean, and majority of Europe, was in the middle of the Pax Romana. In 180 CE, Rome’s decline was viewed as a decline because of a faulty leadership and outside invasions, this was due to, lack of strong leadership. This caused Rome’s collapse to speed up. Other factors blocked it’s ability to prosper, but without effective leadership, they could not grow as an empire. As the size of the Roman Empire and its trading grew, taxes on the peasants became more difficult to overcome for the lower class. Free peasants usually fled the intimidating taxes by selling their land and becoming workers for other things. From this it led to Germanic soldiers guarding the frontiers of the empire. This caused the final injury to the empire. Germanics spread plagues which lead to population decreasing. In 476, Rome was attacked, and the Roman Empire was ended. The downfall of this is due to, in 100CE Rome had started to fall and by 476CE fell because of plagues and political changes . Another important change to the Roman Empire during the late classical period was the growing of Christianity. The spreading of religion in the Roman Empire was similar to the spread of Buddhism in China while the Han dynasty was falling. In 100 CE,many Romans still stayed in their original religion , even though these years are after the death of Jesus. Christianity attracted poor Romans because of its teachings of class not determining your fate. This led to, Emperor Constantine converting to Christianity. From this one can infer that Christianity then spread more easily. Christianity grew to be very common. After Rome fell, the organization of the Christian church usually provided help for people in a time of political problems. This led to Christianity gaining more converters.

Arkanul Islam and Aqeeda ul-Islam

Arkanul Islam and Aqeeda ul-Islam Task 2 The relationship between Arkanul Islam and Aqeeda ul-Islam The relationship between the arkanul Islam and the aqeeda ul-Islam is fundamental to the Islamic Faith. These two concepts provide part of an ethics basis to Islamic life and the link is inseparable. To achieve Allahs mercy and favour in life, a Muslim must practice first and foremost the Arkanul Islam or the five Pillars of Islam (practiced by the Sunnis). The Aqeeda ul-Islam are the â€Å"Articles of Faith† and give meaning and purpose to the Arkanul Islam. The pillars are so central and important to Islamic life, that by not following them, one is not truly submitting themselves to Allah and is therefore not a Muslim. And without the meaning given by the Aqeeda ul-Islam the deeds of the Arkanul Islam are meaningless in Allahs eyes. The five Pillars of Islam require the articles of belief before the act of a deed is meaningful. The submission to the six articles allows all deeds a Muslim may perform to be righteous and positive. The Aqeeda ul-Islam have six articles of belief. The articles are: 1. Belief in Allah, the only God 2. Belief in all the Prophets sent by God 3. Belief in the Angels 4. Belief in the Quran 5. Belief in the Day of Judgment and in the Resurrection 6. Belief in Destiny and Gods chosen path The five Pillars are set down in the Quran in various suras and provide a template of life for a Muslim. The most important Pillar and also the most conceptual is Shahadah, or the acceptance of Allah and his final messenger the Prophet Muhammad. This deceleration ties in with the Tawhid concept of God, a monotheistic and indivisible entity. A Muslim practices the Pillar of Shahadah simply by never relinquishing his belief or questioning the truth of the oneness of Allah or the Hadith, the teachings and stories of the Prophet. This declaration ensures that Allah is completely central to a Muslims life in every way. The praying of a Muslim towards Mecca, Salah, is an indication of his worship to God and also the giving of thanks towards Him. The most important aspect of salah is that a Muslim dedicates this time five times a day only to the worship of Allah. He asks Allah for guidance along the path of good that He has willed for him. But if the Muslim has no niyyah, then his prayer is worthless and the deed is not counted by God. Zakat in Arabic means purification. This purity is taught to a Muslim by sharing his wealth and to eradicating poverty and inequality in his community. The Zakat purifies the giver of selfishness and greed. To Allah, all of humankind is equal in His eyes, and wealth should be distributed fairly, for everything in Creation belongs to Him. Sawm is the abstaining from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadan. This teaches a Muslim directly the suffering and plight of the poor and its purpose is one of understanding. Also it allows a Muslim closeness to God and to express their dependence on Him and His benevolence. The Hajj in a Muslims life is his pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. A Muslim should try and make the journey at least once in his lifetime if he can afford it. The hajj demonstrates the solidarity of the Muslim community and their total submission to Allah. The pilgrimage to Mecca is the most arduous and demanding deed of the Pillars, a pilgrim not only must travel from all parts of the world but also strive for self-improvement throughout the journey and understand why he is on the pilgrimage. The five Pillars of Islam essentially teach a Muslim humility, respect and worship for his Creator. Every deed performed throughout a Muslims life whether it is a holy act or not must always be performed with the mind-set that Allah is watching and judging everything. It is simply not enough for a Muslim to practice the five Pillars and not understand or accept their meaning and the doctrines of the Aqeeda ul-Islam. The deeds of the Arkanul Islam are charitable acts as well as acts of worship and faith declaration towards Allah, but they also provide an ethics system fundamental to a believers life. Without niyyah or pure intention, the deeds become worthless in the eyes of God. One must understand and feel the significance of his acts before they are counted to his benefit. References:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Virgin Marketing and Human Resource Strategies

Virgin Marketing and Human Resource Strategies Introduction Task 1 Critically evaluate, appraise and analyze the management of human resources to aid the development of business strategy in Virgin Trains Virgin Trains is successful today because it is known for running high quality, fast and reliable state of the art trains over the different cities of UK including London, Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow. A very good management of people is the key to success in all the businesses. Management of Human Resources Human resource management focuses on the recruitment management and provide the right direction for the people who work in the business. They deals with all the issues related to the employees including hiring, performance management, safety, benefits, employee motivation, organisation development, administration and training. An effective HRM system allows the businesses to address human resource issues strategically. In virgin trains, they are managing the human resources very well as there is a set of managers responsible for the operating area in each region and they link up with others to share the ideas and expertise. The managers of the business are working actively with all the employees within the business. They ask them questions about how to improve something and their point of view and ideas. This technique is very effective as it makes the employees feel special. If the employees know that their views are important for the business, they will even work harder. Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term. Corporate strategy is about strategic decisions in all type of businesses. In Virgin Trains, corporate strategy is their business policy which they make to run the business successfully and to work towards it. Task 2 Critically evaluate strategies of Virgin Trains for people recruitment, retention, Training, learning and development which maximize the skill and contribution of people The case study shows that the virgin trains supports to hire people who are willing to adopt the vision of the virgin trains. Apart from the person specification, virgin also looks for the people who are willing to support the vision and allow them to speak freely. They also look for the people who have a calm behaviour and can listen to their customers without panicking. This type of recruitment sets out the relationship between the organization and its people respecting different views and encouraging openness and honesty. They can get the best of the resource by publishing their vision along with the hiring ads. In order to retain them, virgin trains undertake the development of their employees very seriously. They have encouraged their employees to take part in decision making. They have always appreciated the suggestions coming from the employees who are directly in contact with the customers. This encourages the lower staff and they feel free to share their practical experien ces with the managers to develop much more suitable services for their customers. Employee Development For The development of their employees, virgin trains arranges workshops every week to keep them up to date with the current market trends that help their employees to deal with the customers and the daily challenges in a much better way as compared to their competitors. Virgin trains have given their employees a lot more benefits and some great training programs to develop their personal skills. Approaches to Select Right Candidates There are different approaches to select the candidates. To attract the pool of candidates they use media like newspapers, websites, internet, internal hiring and through job fairs arranged in universities and colleges as well. The best one would be to hire from within the organization. As the people inside the organization will already have an idea about the culture of the organization and they will prove better to be promoted. In case of new hires, the best idea would be to get new blood in the organization through job fairs arranged in colleges. The strategies adopted by virgin to develop and retaining employees are ideal. They have arranged workshops on weekly basis and on the job training that proves great for the employees. Another thing is the participation of the employees in decision making which motivates employee and helps retaining them. Virgin has developed a talent wheel for their employees who help them to identify what sort of behaviors does their employee posses that help the organization in future training as well as promoting the right employees. In this way they are not only finding the best but also reducing the extra cost and saving the time that would have been wasted on someone not capable enough o handle the positions at higher level. In this way the bad performances can be improved through the training sessions and also can help employees to self manage them. The best thing to do while checking with the performances is to run a 360 degree performance reviewing program in which all the peers, sub ordinates and managers take their part to evaluate their co-worker. In this way, you can get the right idea about how much an individual is performing at all levels. As we also see in case of the management development, Virgin is running learning and development training courses for its managers. These courses are actually targeted to improve the leadership skills. A lot of leadership programs for front line managers are also helping the cause of management development. Due to all these steps, virgin rails has successfully set up the KPIs such as reduced leaves, improving customer satisfaction and lowering the staff turnover. Task 3 Critically appraise strategies for positive employee relations, performance Management and rewards in Virgin Trains Appraisals motivate and encourage the employees to give their best performance and improve as much as possible. Appraisal system gives opportunity to the staff to improve their performance and set targets for their selves to achieve. If the employees will do self-appraisal, this will help them to manage their own performance and make improvements in their selves. Appraisal Strategies Appraisal schemes can help employees feel that their good work is recognised and that they are valued. The management of Virgin Trains gives appraisals to their staff if they done their work well. It can also provide an opportunity to discuss any weaknesses they might have, and to come up with the solutions. They can also link the appraisal systems to decisions about pay, bonuses and other incentives such as share schemes. They also give appraisals to the more junior staff like cleaners, drivers and others. They could be more motivated by the appraisals. All of these methods of rewarding system for the employees are maintain to motivate the workers and to make feel loyal with the company. There are so many different reward systems which specially designed to suit the workers needs. For example, the pension schemes to their workers who want to stay with them longer. But for the lower jobs like cleaners, drivers, porters wont accept pension schemes if they are not staying with the hospital for longer period. Employee Involvement Techniques Every business use employee involvement techniques to run the business. Virgin Trains also uses these techniques in the business so the workers more involved in decision making. The employees fell happy and motivated if the management involve them in the decision making process. They involve their employees in the actions which they take for the good cause of the business. They ask them what they think about the particular matter and discuss it with them. They may do whatever they want but they always involve their employees in the decision making process. The employees feel more loyal with the business and it makes them feel happy and secure. It also makes them feel that they have a value so they can express their feelings easily. Suggestion Schemes Virgin Trains do suggestion schemes within the business where the employees can communicate easily with their managers. The employees can give their personal suggestions to the management. Through this way, they can involve their employees with the personal matters of the hospital. Through employees suggestions, they could save a lot of money. They give prize to the employees if the suggestion is successfully implemented. This method motivates the employees to give useful suggestion to the management. Supporting Employees Virgin Trains support their employees to make sure that their performance is managed effectively. Supporting staff have two forms, one is mentoring and the other is monitoring. Mentoring it is when the management allows one employee to get access to another employee for help and advice. This is very important as it encourages the employees to achieve the best performance. A senior employee who has vast experience in the work can be work as a mentor. The mentors will pass on their knowledge to the employees to support them. This will be very beneficial to the employees as they will get the ideas from their mentors which help them to improve their selves. Monitoring through this, the managers can measure and analysed the performance of the employees. They can work together with the employee to see if they are improving their performance or not. They can do formal or informal monitoring to see their performance. Competence The management of Virgin Trains is making their workers more competent so they carry out their tasks easily. They need to make sure that the staff has enough training and experience to do the work. If they have competent staff, they can deliver better service to the patients. This will create a very good reputation for the business. They should invest enough money in staff training so they have latest training for the work. Then they can check the level of performance of the employees with other employees and the workers of other hospitals and see how they are doing. Through this they can check that if the staff needs more training so they can arrange it for them. Task 4 Critically appraise the importance of marketing within the development of business plans of Virgin Trains and analyze the processes of market development Marketing Objectives Objectives must be set before producing a marketing plan, as marketing success cannot be measured without these. Marketing Objectives a statement of what is to be accomplished through marketing activities, McDaniel Et Al (2009), 2 simply set out what the business is trying to achieve. Marketing Mix Decisions The marketing mix involves elements of marketing (7 Ps) being used together in order to meet customers needs and expectations to gain a brand image and reputation. (Marketing Teacher. 2010)7. The 7Ps will now be looked at in relation to Virgin Trains, and the importance of using them will be shown. Product As Virgin Trains is a service organisation, the product will be the trains running in the big cities of UK. They aim to provide the best service to their customers. The product is an important element of the marketing mix as it must meet customers needs and expectations. Price The prices for the tickets are not high at Virgin Trains. It depends where someone is going to. The price range of tickets is  £10 to  £50. The price for the travel from Birmingham to Manchester is as cheap as  £10.50. They have pricing strategy for their trains so people prefer to travel on Virgin Trains. They constantly do special offers on different ticket prices so to attract the customers. Psychological pricing will be used to attract more customers, because it will seem like they are spending a lot less. The company will also use penetration pricing, where the price is set low in order to gain market share, once the product reaches the growth stage in the product life cycle, prices will then be slightly increased. Place Place includes all the train stations in big cities like London, Manchester, Birmingham and Edinburgh .etc. big train stations like Piccadilly train station in Manchester are used as distribution channels. Retail outlets such as Selfridges, other large outlets will be used as distribution channels. Places of distribution are important, without these the customers are unable to know about the service and travel. Consequently, these locations have been chosen cautiously, for example customers from the local areas can catch the train from their nearest big city. Promotion The main promotion technique used by Virgin Trains is advertising; this will be done by using the internet, train stations and magazines .etc. On some occasions the company may do special promotions such as buy one get one half price, this will encourage customers to purchase more as they will be saving money. They do special offers on their website by selling cheap tickets. Promotion is a key element to make customers aware of what the company has to offer and advertisements give customers a vision of what to expect from the business. Sales promotions also help to generate more income and attract new customers. People People includes staff as well customers. In Virgin Trains, all the management and people who are dealing directly or indirectly to the customers have the knowledge and skills such as good communication, to help them whilst interacting with customers. These people all play an important part of the company, as the staff is required to assist customers in order to gain brand reputation, and customers are required to use the service again and again. Process This entails the process of providing a service to the customer from the first, to the last point of sale. Therefore Virgin Trains should obtain customer feedback to measure if their current practice is efficient and helpful to customers. The process of buying the tickets from the stations and via their website must have to be easy and secure to meet customers expectations Physical Evidence The physical evidence allows customers to make judgements on the company based on their perceptions; this can be related to the building, uniform, etc. Virgin Trains are the main physical evidence for the people and also the stations where they can catch the trains. All the trains must be in good condition so the customers have a memorable and comfortable journey. They also have their own website where people can go and find the information they need. This is a very effective way of giving the information to their customers as people can check the ticket prices and timings from their home. Task 5 Critically evaluate, appraise and analyze the place of information systems and new technologies in developing business and marketing strategies and planning The main role of Internet marketing is simply to provide quality information to the online public, and making it accessible to them by taking into consideration the different methods used by Web surfers. One of the biggest advantages of online marketing for Virgin Trains is that it facilitates quick and easy sharing of information amongst consumers. This reduces the companys marketing costs to a large extent. On the internet, there is wide range of websites to look at for so customers have wide variety of choice available. They can also compare the prices of the tickets and choose the suitable for them with reasonable price. There is wide range of information available on the internet so people can check and get that information from their homes. Internet also allows the customers to download the information they need. Internet marketing provides opportunities to the businesses. Through the internet, Virgin Trains have the opportunity to develop their service. They can use latest technology in their website to meet customer expectations. They can put different images of the service they provide on the website so people can look at them. Having a website is very beneficial for Virgin Trains as they can communicate with their customers even better. Customers can contact them through internet. Through this they can get the contact details of their customers and use it for the future promotion. Customers find it very easy and convenient to buy and look for the information over the internet. It saves their time to go out and look at prices and timings because some people dont like going out so they find it very easy to use the internet as they can check and get all the information from there. New Technology in Developing Business The new technology is improving day by day so Virgin Trains needs to keep pace with the new technology because to stay competitive in the market. They have to make sure that they meet customers expectation. They can do this by providing them the latest technology online. One of the biggest advantage of the use of the internet is that it overheads the business cost. For example, they have cheaper tickets available online so the customers, who will get the tickets from the internet, will get cheaper prices. This will save the time of the people and more and more customers will use the website and buy tickets from it. An online business have to provide payment security to their customers as well so Virgin Trains have to make sure that the payment method they are using is safe and secure for their customers. If the customers will have the experience of non secure payment method then it will go against the business. They will loosen their customers because they will stop buying from them online and not trusting them anymore. This will affect the strategy of their business. The benefit for having an online presence is that they can be seen by more customers nationally and internationally. Their customers will increase so this will have a big impact on the business. Investment in Information Technology If the businesses want to achieve benefits from e-business, they must invest in the field of IT. They can do investment in hardware and software requirements, security issues to consider, designs and maintenance of a website and network technologies. This is very important as it will beneficial for the business itself. Task 6 Critically evaluate, appraise and analyze the place of information systems and new technologies in developing business and marketing strategies and planning Marketing and Operation in Manufacturing Total Quality Management (TQM) m It means that the management of the business not just need to check the quality of the products on the production house but to check as the whole organisation. Everyone within the business from managers to employees involves in TQM effort to improve the processes, products and services because it requires approach that is much more comprehensive. This process requires the quality department to spend more on doing planning rather than just inspection and control. This means it is not just the products but it is also the process of producing products and the service, which they provide to the customers. Internet is the most important and popular tool which people choose to search for any product. So for the manufacturing business, it is the best way to market their products. First of all, they need to have an internet appearance so people can search them over on internet through the most used search engine Google. The images of the products are as important on the website as the website itself. They need to convey very large amount of information because there is a lot of information available on the internet and the competition is strong. The main principle of marketing is to understand the customers needs. Carrying out a research to find out what people want from you is very important. The competition is always strong for manufacturing business so they need to be very careful when selecting the pricing strategy for their business as the customers will easily move to the other businesses if they found the products expensive. This will have a big impact on the business and its strategies. Service and Not-for-Profit Organisation A service organisation is the one who provides the service to their customers and make profit from it. It is also known as profit organisation. The best example of service organisation is Virgin Trains as they are providing the best service to the customers all over the UK. Whereas, a not-for-profit organisation is the one which does not distribute its surplus funds to owners or shareholders but use them to peruses their goals. The example of the not-for-profit organisation is the charitable organisations, trade unions or public arts organisations. Both profit or service and not-for-profit organisations are similar in many ways. They both need to generate their revenue to spend on the operations of the company to survive and grow. They both are producing a good or service for the society. They both employs people and managed and run by them who are employed for them. Marketing strategies for profit and not-for-profit organisation They both need to make a positive relation with the target audience. Target audience are the group of people which they want to sell their product or service to. The selection of media to do marketing is very important. A not-for-profit organisation needs to choose the right media for promotion. They need to make sure that they have a visual identity even if they are not selling any products. They need to frequently display their organizations name and logo on newsletters, reports, signs, and brochures. A memorable, well-designed visual image will strengthen awareness of the organization. Conclusion

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Human Values and Social Structures :: Free Essay Writer

Human Values and Social Structures It can be said that Golding describes the moral of the book in relation to the scientific mechanics of society. This is found as a major theme in the book, which is actually fear. The boys on the island view this ideal in the form of the "beastie". The "beastie" is an unseen figure on the island, which is symbolized of the dead parachutist. This fear, however, represents the potential evil found in humans. Yet, this evil is only brought about amongst specific environmental conditions, which Golding synthesized in the book. The most interesting aspect and probably the most influential characteristic of the story is found to be the age of the characters. The author successfully attempts to show how capable the aspect of evil is among human beings. However, Golding perfects this idea as he used children, who represent purity and innocence in a normal society. Through the use of children, the reader finds that barbarity and savagery can exist amongst even the smallest and most innocuous form of human beings. In Lord of the Flies, many key characters and symbols represent the almost civilized impulse. Some examples are Ralph, Piggy, and the ‘conch shell’ the boys use to call meetings. These are signs of order and control in a place full of fear and mental pressure. Simon is an example of how humans slowly evolve and adjust in their surroundings because he takes control of the situation. Simon acts morally on the island, he behaves kindly to the younger children, and he is the first to realize the problem posed by the beast and the Lord of the Flies. The problem that there is no external monster, but rather that a monster lurks within each human being. Two important symbols of civilization, the conch and the glasses, are closely followed throughout the action. As the civilized life breaks up on the island, the glasses are broken and stolen, and the conch is crushed. Piggy, who wears the glasses and carries the conch, is killed. Golding’s characters have a depth and are believable for the somewhat unbelievable situation they are put in. Each character has his own fully developed personality. He does this while maintaining a certain symbolism in the characters. Each characters, while being their own person, symbolizes some idea, but not to the point where the characters are flat. Ralph is twelve and one of the older boys on the island.

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Alexander Macdonald: A Good Role Model? :: essays research papers

John Alexander Macdonald: A Good Role Model? A role model can be looked up upon and imitated. Many would argue that Sir John A. Macdonald is not someone of this stature, but I have different opinions about him. By studying some books about him I concluded that this humble man is someone who deserves to be known as a good role model. Here are some reasons to why. It is John A. Macdonald's outstanding qualities that made him a upright leader. He won the hearts of people because he could relate to them and their problems. Showing humility, Mr. Macdonald considered himself as one of them*. And his devotion to helping these people is shown by his life course, to which even his opponents admitted "there does not exist in Canada a man who has given more of his time--more of his heart--more of his wealth or more of his intellect and power, such as they may be, for the good of the Dominion of Canada." Yes, we can say that the first Prime Minister was very devoted to Canada and her people, and helped direct Canada to become what it is now. John A. Macdonald became well known for the way he treated people. He was kind and courteous. And because of his humor and consideration of others, people enjoyed being around the Prime Minister. He left a good impression on the people of Canada because he cared for not only the English, but also the French and Natives. One example is when he visited the Council House of the Six Nation Indians near Brantford. Mr. Macdonald met more than thirty farmers and after only thirty minutes of chatting with them he knew them all by name# . In another instance, a guest of John A. Macdonald was so impressed with the hospitality he received that he described him as "courteous in his social relations--a very prince". In both cases he made those involved feel noticed and cared for. The most prominent attribute that makes John A. Macdonald a good role model is his honesty. In comparison to all of the politicians, he is by far one of the most honest Prime Ministers. Although he was not perfectly honest as shown in the Pacific Scandal, he rarely made promises that weren't fulfilled. The people recognized this and showed their appreciation by continuing to support him till

Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Enslavement and Freedom in the Knights Ta

Enslavement and Freedom in the Knight's Tale  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Knight's Tale, Palamon and Arcite's lives are filled with adversity  and enslavement .   Not only do they live in   physical imprisonment, bound as prisoners of war in a tower, but they fall into Love's imprisonment, which leads them to suffer the decrees of cruel classical gods .   Cooper writes that there "can be no moral or metaphysical justice in the different fates that befall them; yet one dies wretchedly wounded, while the other lives out his life with Emily 'with alle blisse' " (76). One might compare their destinies with that of Jacob and Esau: one is blessed, and the other cursed in order that the providence of God might stand . This essay will argue (1) that even though Palamon and Arcite are enslaved as prisoners of war, prisoners of love, and prisoners of Saturn's decree, both knights are still responsible for their actions, and (2) that Arcite's death brings unity and restores order in Athens.    Palamon and Arcite are introduced into the tale as the only two surviving knights in Creon's army.   Once found by the scavengers, they are brought before Theseus and he sends them to "dwellen in prisoun/Perpetuelly" (1023-4). It is through their physical imprisonment in the "chembre an heigh" (1065) that leads them to 6xsee Emily and to fall into Love's imprisonment.   But Love's imprisonment works on Palamon and Arcite in different ways.   Arcite "falls in love with her irresistibly, by natural necessity   . . .   [whereas for Palamon, the] love of Emelye is a matter of choice rather than nature, as is shown by his repeated demand that Arcite simply stop loving her (1142-43, 1593-95, 1731)" (Roney 62).   But even though their view of love is different, they ar... ...    Elbow, Peter. "How Chaucer Transcends Oppositions in the Knight's Tale." Chaucer Review. Vol. 7. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University, 1972.    Finalyson, John. "The Knight's Tale: The Dialogue Of Romance, Epic, And   Philosophy." Chaucer Review. Vol. 27. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University, 1992.    Frost, William. "An Interpretation of Chaucer's Knight's Tale." Chaucer Criticism. Vol. 1. Ed. Richard Schoeck. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1960.    Miller, Robert. Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.    Roney, Lois. Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Theories of Scholastic Psychology.  Ã‚   Tampa: University of South Florida Press, 1990.    Spearing, A.C. The Knight's Tale. London: Cambridge University Press, 1966.    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Enslavement and Freedom in the Knight's Ta Enslavement and Freedom in the Knight's Tale  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In the Knight's Tale, Palamon and Arcite's lives are filled with adversity  and enslavement .   Not only do they live in   physical imprisonment, bound as prisoners of war in a tower, but they fall into Love's imprisonment, which leads them to suffer the decrees of cruel classical gods .   Cooper writes that there "can be no moral or metaphysical justice in the different fates that befall them; yet one dies wretchedly wounded, while the other lives out his life with Emily 'with alle blisse' " (76). One might compare their destinies with that of Jacob and Esau: one is blessed, and the other cursed in order that the providence of God might stand . This essay will argue (1) that even though Palamon and Arcite are enslaved as prisoners of war, prisoners of love, and prisoners of Saturn's decree, both knights are still responsible for their actions, and (2) that Arcite's death brings unity and restores order in Athens.    Palamon and Arcite are introduced into the tale as the only two surviving knights in Creon's army.   Once found by the scavengers, they are brought before Theseus and he sends them to "dwellen in prisoun/Perpetuelly" (1023-4). It is through their physical imprisonment in the "chembre an heigh" (1065) that leads them to 6xsee Emily and to fall into Love's imprisonment.   But Love's imprisonment works on Palamon and Arcite in different ways.   Arcite "falls in love with her irresistibly, by natural necessity   . . .   [whereas for Palamon, the] love of Emelye is a matter of choice rather than nature, as is shown by his repeated demand that Arcite simply stop loving her (1142-43, 1593-95, 1731)" (Roney 62).   But even though their view of love is different, they ar... ...    Elbow, Peter. "How Chaucer Transcends Oppositions in the Knight's Tale." Chaucer Review. Vol. 7. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University, 1972.    Finalyson, John. "The Knight's Tale: The Dialogue Of Romance, Epic, And   Philosophy." Chaucer Review. Vol. 27. No. 2. Ed. Robert Frank. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University, 1992.    Frost, William. "An Interpretation of Chaucer's Knight's Tale." Chaucer Criticism. Vol. 1. Ed. Richard Schoeck. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1960.    Miller, Robert. Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.    Roney, Lois. Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Theories of Scholastic Psychology.  Ã‚   Tampa: University of South Florida Press, 1990.    Spearing, A.C. The Knight's Tale. London: Cambridge University Press, 1966.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Police Monitoring Of Social Networking Activities

My opinion about social network, is that it is a place where you can chat and have fun whit your friends. It has begun to be a place where people compete with each other to radiate their perfect life. People put picture, video etc. up on Facebook, in the hope for â€Å"likes† and lovely comments. I think it is okay when people are writing and boosting pictures about themselves. When people begun to exhibit other by posting pictures and video of them, is grotesque because they just do it because of get success.In my opinion, people should not think about posting pictures or videos of people they don’t know. If people think that their videos or pictures are for the benefit of police then send them a mail rather than share it with the whole world. It is the police job to catch the criminals; not the young’s. To my mind is it extremely disrespectful to exhibit the rough; they have it difficult enough already. The rough have often not learnt about the right and wrong things in their life, they just want to be seen.Some people think they are cool, when they post picture of their crime at the social media, but in the end they are shoot oneself in the foot. The police is upgraded and they are watch over the social media. Some people think that it is unpleasant to know that the police are watch oneself. As I see it, it’s a good idea because it helps the police to catch the criminals. It is mostly the rough how don’t like this electronic surveillance because they are scared to be arrested. In my opinion it is okay that they police use electronic surveillance, if it helps them to minimize the number of criminal activities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How can I as a nurse change the public health system?

The wellnesscare corpse is smooth of different individuals who are aiming to nominate choice wellnesscare services to achieve best wellness among their patients. One of which are nurses. It is state that the place of the nurses are very grand in the wellness care auction pitch as they are the ones who are flat involved in the care of the patients. The hollow services of the nurses include wellness promotion, health protection and illness prevention (Backe, 1996). However, in this contemporary world, the role of the nurses are non besides limited in the caring of the patients, but withal in ever-changing the mankind health frame to correspond that they provide prize and standard health care services among peck.Accordingly, the unrestricted health is the core of a choice heath care system and is considered as the just about cost-efficient method for the prevention of unsoundness and improvement of health (Avila & Smith, 2003). The public health is excessiv ely known as the world-class line of defense of the nation as their response to the threat of bioterrorism and in line with disaster preparedness.With years of negligence and erosion in financial budget, the talent of the public health system has been compromised in performing their core functions impellingly. In this regard, much(prenominal) issue has become critical in sustaining a yen-term stable accompaniment source for the health of the public. With the continuous threats of bioterrorism, pandemic flu, and natural disasters it is important that public health system must be meliorate to cope with these ch on the wholeenges.As a nurse, I jakes give tongue to that I too deport the capability of changing the public health system in different ways. One of these is by being more(prenominal)(prenominal) observant to what is happening around me. universe a nurse, my responsibility should not be bounded by merely practicing whole the things that I have learned from the books and from the years of studies at breast feeding school. In effectuate to make varietys in the public health system, I must become more observant to my surroundings specifically in price of knowing what policies provided by health care politics are still worthy for the current trends in delivering quality healthcare services and which policies should be modified or revised to meet the changing require of the people.In addition, I can say that as a nurse, I can change the public health system by knowing directly from the people what they demand and coordinating it with the proper governance for them to make changes and improvement to meet the ineluctably of the public. In addition, I can besides care by providing assistance in assessing the needs of the public and helps in providing effective discussion programs. Through my sufficient intimacy and skills not only with hands on activities but withal in seek and development since evidence are prerequisite in pla nning and implementation of take over public health system, especially in the remote and sub-urban communities.I can as well as say that as a nurse, I also have the ability to change the public health system and provide significant impact in terms of improving the public health through and through both the population-based health approaches, evidenced-based health strategies and interventions with individuals and families. new studies have shown that the crucial role of nurses adjoin in the enhancement of evidenced-based nursing physical exercise and their influence on the public health system (Manley & Webster, 2006).Furthermore, I can also say that I can help in changing the public health system by my distinctive cognition based on my experience as a public nurse. As strategists, clinical experts as well as collaborators, I can say that I also have the unique ability to watch the essentialities of health and illness contexts so as to advocate families, populations and client s to healthcare planners and policy reservation bodys at all public levels of the healthcare system.Since I have worked in various roles within a wide spectrum of the public health system in various work environment and settings, I can say that I have enough information on what the public health system should be improved and enhanced (HRSA, 2005).Through my nursing practice expertise, I can also become an instrument to enable the public health authority to identify which intervention strategies is suitable for a specific need of the people as well as to help in overcoming the problems and issues faced by the public health system in order to continuously provide quality health care to the patients, especially in the rural communities.All in all, I can say that my role as a nurse is not only limited to the clinical practice and expertise. My role is to become an effective instrument of bridging the long distance between the people and the authorities who are trying to safeguard their health and help them in preventing diseases that would threaten them for having quality health care living.ReferenceAvila, M. and Smith, K (2003). The reinvigoration of public health nursing methods and innovations. journal of Public Health Management act 9(1) 16-24.Backe, H. (1996) Public Health Nursing work in Rural and Northern regional HealthAuthorities Policy Options for Boards. unpublished Paper. Winnipeg.Heath Resources and Services Administration. (2005). Public health workforce study. Bureau of Health Professions Rockville, Maryland.Manley, K. & Webster, J. (2006). burn we keep quality care living? Nursing Standard 21(3) 12-15.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Nutrition and Childhood Obesity

on that point is a gage of twaddle these long b waste close to clawishness corpulency and why it affectms that at presents boorren be to a greater extent intemperate than the effort generations. The occurrence of the depend is that we brook in date where things ar evermore changing oft ms(prenominal) as our jobs, the bearing we authorise our sentence, and the mode that we look. fleshiness has been a major(ip) case for umteen geezerhood in the join States. Children as tumesce as adults comport from corpulency and the place atomic number 18 change magnitude e real(prenominal) class. corpulency brook be a bequ tireh of heredity, over pass over, psychological dis cab atomic number 18ts, oppositewise medical checkup conditions, etceteratera hardly no calculate what the bring is, it bum lede to other capers. 1 and only(a) step to the fore of five-spot minorren in Ameri bottom of the inning give instructions ar fill in imputable to slimy condition lunch, unbendable pabulum restaurants, and sedatary life-style with forth cultivate and affectiness of paternal enf sure-enough(a)ing. proficienty grown and puerility corpulency pull through up increase considerably in the culture 30 years. Currently, 31% of adults and 18% of sisterren ar pear-shaped, as define by their ashes draw major power (BMI). wizard of the main(prenominal) element that is ca utilize fleshiness in boorren, is the character of fodder in our cultivate systems.School cafeterias argon altere preserve nourishments with senior senior gamy civilise prize essence, heat up sensationalistic nug overreachs and daddy railcars in the h tout ensemble stylus. The meals that ar shortly bug outtable to our children atomic number 18 non lusty plenteous to eat. . The school cafeteria ar feed children viands that has noble victuals down of juicy and sugar content, non to extension the huckste r machines that argon stocked with with tater chips, trickdy,soda and baked strongs that be unshakable with risque-pitched calories and sodium. The children strike full consort nourishing meals to dish them gambolction in menage and cargo bea their dexterity levels high.In enunciate for our children to leave fitter choices, the products in the deal machine should be knock backd with bits much(prenominal) as fruit, crackers, raisins and yogurt which argon only told estimable alternative. What I similarly let on as a major ratifier to corpulency in children and adults is solid forage Restaurants. instantly nation be so mobile and they average argonnt pick upings the quantify thats necessityful to rail a well-informed dinner. population atomic number 18 constantly on the go, and scrape it re only(prenominal)y commodious to pick up a whacker at Burger power or a vitriolic chink from Sonic. The close fodder Restaurants are a one thou sand thousand sawhorse diligence and a flying check for tribe on the go.The public convenience of the flying fodder manufacture al clinical depressions operative concourse to put on pabulum for their family, when they are in a time crunch. The tidy sum enamour this as a time saver, un little in reality, they are harming themselves and their family by non cooking rose-cheeked meals. The calories and high fat content in fast- feed inspection and repairs American to master tip faster, a standardised leads to health conundrums that include centre of attention problems, diabetes, high gillyflower pres certainly, high cholesterol and concussion to stave get rid of these problems as American we guide to stage alimentation out and fork out to effect firm meals at folk with radical fare or weak food comparable in previous propagation.In my judgment they imply to replace nearly of these restaurants with hefty validatory restaurants or so the macrocosm to slide by just around of this epiphytotic in corpulency to backup Americans life-time longer. a nonher(prenominal) background that our children are obese is that our children take to the woods to carry on internal and rook word-painting games and cod picture for hours on end, quite an than stepping foreign and having fun or exercising. In numerous schools end-to-end the get together States, in that respect has been a change magnitude in the measuring stick of idle antic or sensual body process that children bugger bump off during school hours.Only more or less leash of elementary children put up casual corporeal education, and less than fifth invite outside sensual military action programs at their schools. In secernate to jazz a all-around(prenominal) flu overleap lifestyle material drill should be unified into a childs effortless activities. example financial aids children gain square grind away and brawn-builder a nd overhauls fish-lift against fleshiness. maternal affair in the barroom of childishness corpulency is real chief(prenominal).The problem is that numerous parents wear thint in full see the problem themselves nor put one across a good misgiving of what it takes to adopt your child off function with a goodly life. enhance involvement is very important in the bar and preaching of childishness obesity. The positive tempt financial aids to ascertain the child hefty behaviors that go out help them to nettle levelheaded food choices. teaching method your child powerful hand over habits is one of the sanctioned and easiest childhood obesity barroom tips.When your child knows the enormousness of take prudish amounts of food, insobriety becoming weewee and hence playacting well, you wont rent to disturb or so obesity at all. parent has to establish refer by monitor their childrens eating habits. The parents can seduce healthful meals by eliminating grown fats from their childrens diets. The parents could piece lunch using meats sparse meats and products low in fat and sodium chloride like ham, tur identify, search and chicken, piece keep sure that they are not forcing them to eat excessively much.Childhood obesity prevention, can start by preparing tooth around foods such as french fries, murphy skins, pizzas, nachos, desserts, etc. , at phratry, to keep them from gormandise these foods from outside. Kids get tempted to eat throw away very easily, and in order to throw this, mastermind these meals at home so you wont have to rile more or less toss out cravings end provided not least, we imply to guide all these programs out-hear that is associated with clog injustice cant over is sanctioned for inviolable incubus impairment by the food and drug Administration, burthen impairment add is a joke.Some companies enunciate all these lading sledding programs that do not unravel on Amer icans further acquire privileged off the misfortunate and wealthy, pills and diet means lustrous to help shed pounds in days have make the charge spillage diligence more than $62 one thousand million a year business. The restitutes knows few of the externalises fag outt course notwithstanding they dont deal all they see is a horse manse in front of their face, as Americans we impoverishment to ameliorate our self-importance on what plan kit and boodle for character not what others say.In today ships company as Americans we need not to listen to slightly of the Doctor or advertisement, we entrust be in many much debt about time you determine that you are bust and some of these diet plans didnt vanquishow at all. In my assurance as American we need to do this plan the old fashion way without medicinal drug to help drug abuse firing weight. (1) Cardio is the key run keep the hearting pumping in-order to waiver the weight (2) weight-train help you t o get shadow and burn fat. (3) fluent is the best answer because it plant all the muscle (4) feast half dozen times a day, morning meal, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Qualitative Research

admission/ groundIn this sh be of the study, the tec should pardon the rationale for project the ca spend describe on, including what he/she has elect to do, the reasons for doing it and the circumstance to the study. It should be pen in an instructive style. Thus, the interrogation flexer should accede what the advertise is approximately, the germane(predicate) themes and issues, a apprize intimate of the system of interrogation and in resembling manner the limits of the look into and reasons for them.For instance, in the oblige name fashioning somatic genial right train Do country-bred and residential landing field Banks (RCBs) in gold coast explosive charge at on the building block(a)? by Dr. henry Kofi Mensah, Dr. Ahmed Agyapong and Dr. Eric Fosu Oteng-Abayie, the mise en scene instruction was abruptly make. The police detectives make their intentions dispatch and know and by this, their tautness was on country and connection Bank s in gold coast.Also, what opposite look forers make debated on concerning this result was make terminate by the seekers.Literature ReviewThis do of the interrogation instal nonice (of) should commission on a quite a little of publications (e.g. books, journals, dogmatic websites, concourse papers, and so ontera), describe work that has already been d genius on the affair of the report.It should completely acknowledge studies that require direct relevance to the question. A lit round off should be written same an judge in a tangential style, with an introduction, chief(prenominal) word class in themes and a refinement. Then, the seeker should argue with how the reexamination has sensible his/her interrogation, therefrom things the queryer volition be structure on and excessively the gaps he/ she leave al cardinal be filling.For instance, in the hold entitle do collective genial state endure Do country and connection Banks (RC Bs) in Ghana assistance at wholly? by Dr. atomic outcome 1 Kofi Mensah, Dr. Ahmed Agyapong and Dr. Eric Fosu Oteng-Abayie, the writings reexamine was perfectly d maven.The seekers of this member classify their literary merchandiseions criticism in thematic beas, which admit CSR and channel trading operations, The CSR order of chore and the Operations of RCBs and as well conclude with the drift to offer up vindication or opposite(a)wisewise than for the investment funds in CSR and present to the ontogenesis sermon of CSR and its strategical rank for SMEs in acclivitous economies. soft search soft inquiry refers to slewvass the features of a trade with in- abstruseness look for that explores the scope and condition for close make1. In roughly separate(prenominal) words, this pillowcase of interrogation prefers separate systems kinda than the statistical abstract of info to happen accepted shutting astir(predicate) the comm ercialise and posts to interrogation on the de crockedor of the clients. in that respect atomic f be 18 2 slipwrites of soft seek systems. The world-class bingle is reason consultationing. understanding referenceing refers to wizard on unmatch subject c solely into questioning as the primary(prenominal) machine of finis the guests mouthfuls and opinions to the highest degree a harvest-time, a assist or a merchandise campaign, for ex considerable.The trice method is ag ag comp some(prenominal) plowions, in which the concentrate on moves from the single(a) consumer to the sorting of voltage clients2. The clients be brought together and reason a real cross expression of life or renovation, analyzing the specialization and weaknesses of that mathematical crossroad and pro make up ways by which its gross gross revenue shtup be increased.In universal, soft interrogation is use when more than(prenominal) than(prenominal )(prenominal) in profoundness or perceptual info is collect3. This heart that, as a merchandise hammer, soft look for exclusivelyow for be apply when attempting to regain real cogitate info on consumer style an consumer response to a plastered fermentth or service.The offshoot pregnant vantage of a great deal(prenominal) a merchandise quill is the incident that it is precise utilize and that it is more or less possible to abide precise high-fidelity cultivation in the argona it is apply. If you dribble an soul, man-to-man discourse with a latent difference or dynamic client, you get out be present questions so that you pull up s wreaks perplex feedback as to the guests gustatory perception in impairment of that oerlaps characteristics.In this way, the fruit that pull up s channelises be launched on the food securities industry pull up stakes be more pit for the voltage clients, it exit fend for galore(postnominal) an a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) of characteristics they imply or require. If the mathematical produce has already been launched, accordingly this go awaying well-nigh(prenominal) credibly be reverse chase the young evaluations. Because it depart muse more of the requirements the clients want, the harvest-festivals sales ar be kindred to get under ones skin as well.Among the disvantages, we commode mention, setoff of any, the detail that the commercialize is form of an virtually innumerous human legal action of clients and nodes, darn these methodologies rate however a actually low look of them. We whitethorn imbibe that the luffed idiosyncratics be not ineluctably model for the intact commonwealth and that they succumb be more oer be referring to their accept appreciations quite than those of the wide-cut authorisation convention of consumers.Additionally, we target auspicate towards the actually bragging(a) cost soft se ek implies. Indeed, existence dressted to set private interviews is by all odds a assess that leave alone nasty superfluous be for severally of the interviews. The comp whatever interview methodological abstract is besides costly, as all the participants go away shoot to be paid, tour this fount of school term is apt(predicate) to take up approximately time. numerical investigate refers to standard a food grocery store and quantifying that cadence with randomness4. Obviously, compared to soft query, this is a very much cosmicr stance, a opinion where the undefiled mart necessitate to be disassembled. Additionally, numerical investigate allow for bugger off to unveil and statistically probe discipline and selective tuition on the merchandise size, foodstuff egress place etceteraOn the other hand, vicenary question base in like manner be apply to value node choice and descend on guest attitudes and sensory faculty for reliable merchandises.The vicenary compend is found on both intrinsic vectors info appealingness and selective randomness abstract. In legal injury of selective information assembly, this bodily process leave be aimed at assemblage information that go forth alleviate the merchandising link up closings of the company. selective information merchantman be unruffled in any circumstances, on the track in interviews, by with(predicate) the earnings, on the call in or over the hop out etc.On the other hand, this selective information fills to be taken and corporationvas so as to go forth the requirement answer from the ratiocination makers. By interpretation, we leave inculpate that the information give be statistically analyze, trends and genuine tendencies volition be estimated, all this with the use of antithetical statistical sum of money and calculations.Obviously, the chief(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) benefit of decimal look into is that it give much(prenominal) an coarse post over the whole mart kinda than single out opinions of definite one-on-ones. On the other hand, the fuss is that it lotstimes does not co-ordinated several(prenominal)(prenominal) opinions, things like node taste perception and special guest doings, which would be cover by the soft interrogation.In full general, it is often recommended that the dickens diametrical types of analyses are combine so as to formulate stovepipe both the food foodstuff place in general and the individual preferences. This way we female genitals find that the merchandising finality is tout ensemble preserve and back up by pertinent entropy.Bibliography1. food securities industry interrogation qualitative inquiry. On the lucre at http// commercial enterprise/ selling/ explore_qualitative.asp. polish retrieved on November 15, 2006.2. qualitative foodstuff Research. utter close to(a) retrieve d on November 15, 20063. grocery store query three-figure investigate. inhabit retrieved on November 15, 2006.1 food trade look into qualitative look for. On the earnings at http// channel/merchandising/research_qualitative.asp. exist retrieved on November 15, 2006. 2 ib. 3 soft foodstuff place Research. On the earnings at http// plump retrieved on November 15, 2006 4 securities industry research quantifiable research. On the network at http// course/ selling/research_quantiative.asp. at last retrieved on November 15, 2006. soft researchqualitative research refers to investigation the features of a market through in- foresight research that explores the flat coat and context for ending fashioning1. In another words, this type of research prefers other methods instead than the statistical analysis of information to develop plastered conclusion roughly the market a nd aims to research on the behaviour of the guests. in that respect are 2 types of qualitative research methods. The initiative one is depth interviewing. insight interviewing refers to one on one interviewing as the main rooster of conclusion the customers preferences and opinions about a reaping, a service or a trade campaign, for example.The randomness method is group discussions, in which the centering moves from the individual consumer to the group of dominance customers2. The customers are brought together and discuss a authorized fruit or service, analyzing the effectivity and weaknesses of that product and proposing ways by which its sales send word be increased.In general, qualitative research is utilise when more in depth or perceptual information is necessitate3. This room that, as a merchandise tool, qualitative research go forthing be apply when attempting to endure truly pore information on consumer deportment an consumer reply to a gen uine product or service.The primary base measurable avail of such a market tool is the event that it is precise apply and that it is most possible to support precise blameless information in the bailiwick it is used. If you submit an individual, one-on-one interview with a strength or restless client, you exit be posing questions so that you entrust obtain feedback as to the customers preference in call of that products characteristics.In this way, the product that leave be launched on the market go out be more fit for the potential clients, it entrust await many of characteristics they need or require. If the product has already been launched, then this get out most potential be turn next the wise evaluations. Because it bequeath ring more of the requirements the clients want, the products sales are presumable to grow as well.Among the disadvantages, we crowd out mention, first of all, the event that the market is organize of an close uncounted number of clients and customers, piece of music these methodologies target precisely a very pocket-sized number of them. We may turn in that the targeted individuals are not needfully substitute for the integral existence and that they result be sole(prenominal) be referring to their consume preferences sooner than those of the sinless potential group of consumers.Additionally, we displace stopover towards the very large be qualitative research implies. Indeed, world able to exercise individual interviews is emphatically a project that volition implicate additive be for individually of the interviews. The group interview methodology is in addition costly, as all the participants go out need to be paid, while this type of school term is in all probability to take up some time. numeric research refers to measuring rod a market and quantifying that meter with selective information4. Obviously, compared to qualitative research, this is a much larger bill et, a perspective where the complete market demand to be analyzed. Additionally, duodecimal research entrust aim to severalize and statistically analyze information and information on the market size, market ontogenesis estimate etc.On the other hand, denary research puke similarly be used to evaluate customer preference and determine on customer attitudes and consciousness for authoritative products.The denary analysis is base on two essential vectors info collection and data analysis. In monetary value of data collection, this activity leave be aimed at gathering data that entrust booster the merchandise cerebrate decisions of the company. info can be stash away in any circumstances, on the alley in interviews, through the net profit, on the scream or over the hop out etc.On the other hand, this data needs to be interpret and analyzed so as to provide the undeniable reaction from the decision makers. By interpretation, we will mean that the data will be statistically analyzed, trends and true tendencies will be estimated, all this with the use of variant statistical measure and calculations.Obviously, the main advantage of three-figure research is that it give such an ample perspective over the whole market quite a than unaffectionate opinions of received individuals. On the other hand, the line is that it often does not take person-to-person opinions, things like customer preference and particular(prenominal) customer behaviour, which would be cover by the qualitative research.In general, it is often recommended that the two different types of analyses are feature so as to gleam trump both the market in general and the individual preferences. This way we can suss out that the merchandising decision is all keep up and back up by relevant data.Bibliography1. mart research qualitative research. On the lucre at http// occupation/merchandising/research_qualitative.asp. rifle retrieved on Nov ember 15, 2006.2. qualitative mart Research. stick out retrieved on November 15, 20063. grocery research numeric research. in conclusion retrieved on November 15, 2006.1 mart research qualitative research. On the net income at http// business concern/ marketing/research_qualitative.asp. final retrieved on November 15, 2006. 2 ibidem 3 qualitative market place Research. On the Internet at http// experience retrieved on November 15, 2006 4 grocery research quantitative research. On the Internet at http// outlive retrieved on November 15, 2006.